
The New Arrivals Program (NAP) is an intensive English language program for students enrolled in Victorian Government schools.

The NAP prepares students from Foundation to Year 10 to learn and thrive at school in Australia


The New Arrivals Program is delivered in three Locations:


North Geelong Secondary College

130 Separation St, North Geelong VIC 3215


Northern Bay College Wexford Court P-8 Campus

1 Wexford Ct, Corio VIC 3214


Wangala Primary School

Kidman Ave, Belmont VIC 3216


The GELC offices are located at

Bell Park North Primary School

16-26 Barton St, Bell Park VIC 3215




The GELC curriculum focuses on developing the English language skills which allow students to participate in mainstream school. This includes;

  • Speaking and listening
  • Reading and viewing
  • Writing

Students learn English through engagement in core school subjects such as mathematics, social studies, science, physical education, health and the arts. This enables them to develop the vocabulary and language structures they will need in their future education.

Learning how to learn in Australia

We place equal importance on teaching students the ways in which they will be expected to learn in Australia. This may be very different from the teaching methods they have been exposed to in their previous educational experiences. GELC teachers engage students in a wide range of educational activities including:

  • Hands on learning experiences
  • Excursions
  • Digital technologies
  • Collaborative learning
  • Learning through play
  • Giving and receiving feedback
  • Individual goal setting

By teaching students these ‘learning how to learn’ strategies, students can be confident in being able to participate fully in the Victorian education system..


Students work in small groups with an average class size of 13 students. Classes are based on student year levels and English language proficiency.

Staff at GELC

EAL Teachers

All GELC teachers are qualified teachers of English as an Additional Language. They are skilled in the most current, research based teaching methodologies. They engage in continuous and extensive professional learning to maintain their expertise at the highest level.

Multicultural Education Aides

Students are also supported in the classroom by GELC Multicultural Education Aides (MEAs). The MEAs help students to understand the school work and what is expected of them. MEAs enrich the learning experience by explaining concepts or instructions in the learner’s first language. They are invaluable in assisting students and teachers to communicate with each other.

MEAs also assist the families of students to understand and navigate the Victorian education system. Most of the GELC MEAs have come to Australia as migrants. They are able to assist with communication between teachers and families in a caring way. They understand the challenges that migration and settlement can pose for families.

Time in Program

Students generally spend between two and four school terms in the New Arrivals Program. The length of stay in the program depends on the students’ progress. Parents and teachers can discuss the time each student will stay in the program.



As part of providing a rich learning experience for students, GELC staff will often take students on excursions. This involves taking the students away from their usual classroom setting so they can learn English in a different environment and something new about their new country. This is very stimulating and enjoyable for students and teachers!

Some excursions students may attend at GELC are:

  • · The zoo
  • · The beach
  • · A farm
  • · A theatre performance or film
  • · A cooking course
  • · A sporting activity
  • · An art gallery or museum
  • · A national park

Parents will always be informed when students are taken on an excursion. If the excursion is outside of Geelong, we will ask parents’ permission for students to attend.


As part of providing a rich learning experience for students, GELC staff will often take students on excursions. This involves taking the students away from their usual classroom setting so they can learn English in a different environment and something new about their new country. This is very stimulating and enjoyable for students and teachers!

Some excursions students may attend at GELC are:

  • · The zoo
  • · The beach
  • · A farm
  • · A theatre performance or film
  • · A cooking course
  • · A sporting activity
  • · An art gallery or museum
  • · A national park

Parents will always be informed when students are taken on an excursion. If the excursion is outside of Geelong, we will ask parents’ permission for students to attend.

Social and Cultural Understandings

At GELC, we recognise that part of being in a new country is coming to understand the social and cultural behaviours that are expected. Students are given explicit instruction to enable them to adjust to the social norms of Victorian schools. This includes:

  • Developing positive and respectful relationships with all teachers and students
  • Happy and safe playground behaviours
  • Appropriate classroom behaviours


GELC places a strong emphasis on student wellbeing and understands the diverse needs of newly arrived students. Students enter the Program from a diverse range of cultures, first-language backgrounds, ages and educational backgrounds. GELC works with families and base schools to ensure that all students’ wellbeing needs are addressed. This includes accessing school support services such as:

  • Special needs assessments
  • Speech therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Family support services
  • Vision and hearing assessments
  • GELC provides a supportive and nurturing environment that assists students to adjust to life in Australia.

Assessment and Reporting


Students are assessed against the Victorian Curriculum EAL Standards. Students have ongoing assessments including formal testing, observation and self- assessment to monitor and record progress. The results of formal and informal assessment are used to assist teachers to plan lesson content and to give students feedback on their performance.



Classroom teachers write reports each term for every student. At the end of each term continuing students receive a written progress report. Students leaving the New Arrivals Program receive a comprehensive exit report. The reports are also passed on to students’ base school.


Family Reporting Days

All reports are presented and explained to parents with the assistance of a professional interpreter at Family Reporting Days. Parents, carers and guardians are invited to come to the English Language Centre to discuss their child’s progress. They are encouraged to ask questions, raise any concerns and provide feedback for the GELC staff.


Parents, guardians and carers are welcome to contact teachers at any time to discuss their child’s progress or wellbeing. Each new family is provided with a card with the contact details of their child’s teacher. You can contact the GELC teachers via telephone, email, note or by coming into the English Language Centre. 

We have access to phone interpreters at any time and can also arrange an onsite interpreter for most languages. Our Multicultural Education Aides can also assist with communication if necessary.

Please do not hesitate to contact us. Language differences are not a problem.